Jesus said and did some incredible things. He made such outrageous claims about himself that he was eventually labeled a heretic. And they crucified him. In part tow of this…
People don’t know what to make of Jesus. They didn’t in his day. And they don’t in ours. In this new series leading up to Easter, Dr. David talks about…
Many Christians struggle with the certainty of their salvation…whether it’s sin in their life, wrong Biblical teaching, or misunderstood assumptions about salvation. In this message, Dr. David addresses the key…
In this last message, Dr. David pulls the series together and gives us practical ways to apply the series. Using different areas of our lives, he talks about the lies…
In this message based on Matthew 4:1-11, Dr. David talks about the second part of the renewal process, replacing lies with truth. We see how Jesus modeled this when Satan…
Renewing our minds is a two step process: take off the old and then put on the new. Taking off the old means identifying the lies we believe and replacing…
So how do you talk to you? You critical and hard on yourself? How you talk to you influences how you think and what you believe, and even the decisions…
All of us do it…you know…talk to ourselves. It’s that inner dialogue that’s constantly speaking, saying things that are true and not true. It’s that inside conversation telling us about…
The story of the first Christmas almost seems too perfect…too good to be true. But what if it’s true? What if the story isn’t a myth? And if it isn’t…
In the last message of the series, Dr. David explains the religion of Islam and compares it to biblical Christianity.