In part 2 of this series on the war in Israel, Dr. David uses Psalm 83 as guide for Christians to pray for Israel…and their enemies.
It was a year ago that Hamas militants from Gaza infiltrated Israel, slaughtering hundreds. Today, Israel is still at war with Hamas. And now other nations and terrorists groups have…
In the last message of the series, Dr. David shares from Philippians 2. Here we see the example of Jesus, and how he laid aside what was due him, in…
There are people in our lives that aren’t easy to love. And yet, as Christians, we’re called to love them anyway. And it’s not because they deserve it, but we're…
SEEING WHAT GOD SEES Think about the person you’re at odds with or in conflict with right now. Did you know there is something unique about that person? And it’s…
YOUR STORY - Jesus made some challenging statements about relationships, and how we’re to treat one another. He went so far as to tell us to love our enemies. When…
Relationships are a struggle. Even the relationships with the people we love. Why is that? And is there a way to deal with one another in a way that brings…

Where is He?

September 1, 2024
There’s lots of talk and debate concerning the Second Coming of Jesus. Some focus on deciphering when he will return. Most of us, though, don’t give it much thought, if…

Significant Signs

August 25, 2024
One of the central beliefs we have as Christians is that Jesus is coming back again. And even though we believe it, we don’t give it much thought. And if…
We’re a church that believes in Biblical Authority. That is, we believe the Bible is the ultimate authority for us as a church and as followers of Jesus. It informs…