It’s something we don’t like to talk about. Or hear about. God’s judgment and wrath against sin. Continuing this series on Exodus, Dr. David reminds us through looking at the…
With everything going on in our lives, Dr. David reminds us of a significant truth…a truth that helps you face anything.
Everyone has doubts. It’s normal in our walk with God. When God does things that seem out of character for him, we doubt. And then we wonder, "will I be…
When God called Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egyptian bondage, Moses wasn’t sure he could do it. In fact, he came up with all kinds of excuses why…
In this series from the book of Exodus, we’re introduced to a God who longs to set people free. But most people aren’t experiencing this freedom. In this message, Dr.…
In week two of our series on Exodus, Dr. David shares how God is introduced as a deliverer, and rescuer. We discover that God is willing to deliver us, like…
In those times and seasons where we feel forgotten by God, what do we do? In the start of this new series on the book of Exodus, Dr. David shares…
For everyone who feels abandoned by God, forgotten by God, or disconnected from God, God has a reminder for you. Based on Ezekiel’s strange vision in Ezekiel 37, Dr. David…
All us want peaceful relationships, but sometimes that’s not possible. Based on Romans 12:18, Dr. David talks about relational conflict, and potential to experience peace. Part 2 of 2