In the last message of this series, Dr. David gives us a simple plan for handling our money. It’s a biblical plan that will lead us to financial peace and…
Everyone seeks financial peace and security. In part three of this series, Dr. David explains how we can experience that peace and security. But there's something we must do first…
Preachers talking about money in church is awkward. And uncomfortable. The reason is because when it comes to money, there’s a fatal flaw in our thinking. Dr. David talks about…
In this first message, Dr. David gives us way to help us navigate the inflation we’re experiencing.

In the second message of this series, Dr. David deals with the emotion of anxiety. In this complicated season of life, all of us struggle with it. So, what do…
Mixed emotions…we all have them. What do we do with them? In the first message in this series based on Psalm 13, Dr David asks the question we need to…


July 31, 2022
If God forgives us of our sin, why do we still face consequences? In this message, Dr. David addresses the tension of God’s forgiveness and the consequences we face because…


July 24, 2022
What do you do when someone hurts you or offends you? If you’re a believer, God says we’re forgive them. But if that’s the last thing you want to do,…
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