Finding Jesus

It sounds like Jesus is lost and needs our help to find him.


He’s just as found as anyone could be. Finding Jesus is simply the term we use to introduce you to Jesus. It’s about helping you find Jesus and experience a personal relationship with him.

We believe Jesus changes everything for everyone, including you!

If you’re interested in a personal relationship with Jesus, the starting point is to recognize that you have a problem. The Bible says that all of us are sinful, and sin separates us, and makes us at odds with God (Romans 3:23). What is the big deal about sin? The consequence is death (Romans 6:23). Nothing we do in our own efforts can ever make us right with God.

But there is a solution.

The Bible says that God loved us so much, he sent Jesus, his only son, to die in our place (Romans 5:8). Jesus died on a cross, in our place, and took the consequence of our sin. In his death, he paid the price for our sins and three days later, rose from the dead victorious over sin and death. His act on the cross for our sin paved the way for us to be made right with God.

Knowing you have a problem, and realizing God’s solution, is not enough. It requires a response from you. It’s really a matter of two things: belief and trust.

Believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay for your sins and that He rose from the dead, to forgive your sins, and give you new life. And then place your trust in what Jesus did for you. Trusting Jesus means you’re no longer trusting in yourself and your good behavior to make you right with God.

That’s what finding Jesus means.

If you’d like to make a decision to follow Jesus,

begin with this simple prayer:

“Dear Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner and my sin separates me from you. I believe that you sent Jesus, who died on a cross for my sins, and paid for all my sin. Today, I’m placing my trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of my sin. Thank you for your forgiveness and thank you for giving me eternal life. In Jesus name, amen.”


If you have questions about salvation or if you made a decision and would like someone to walk alongside you, please let us know.

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