Join us at 10:45 AM Sundays Live!
One Church.
Wherever You Are.
Welcome to Monterey!
Latest News
Game Night
Join us on February 14th at 6 PM for a night of games, fun and fellowship! Anyone is invited to join in on the fun. Bring your favorite game & snacks!
Men’s Breakfast
Join us January 17th, (the third Friday of each month), at 7:30 AM for breakfast at Rudy's BBQ, 4930 S. Loop 289. This is a great time to get to know other men in the church... and bring a guest!
Wednesday Bible Study
Every once in a while, we wonder how the world will end. Everyone admits things in our world are not getting better. They’re getting worse. And we wonder, “Surely the end is near.” But is it? Christians rightly turn to the Bible for answers and to make sense of our...
What makes a great church? Is it the pastor, the worship service, or various ministries? Or is it something else? In this message, Dr. David talks about two things that…
Worship With Us
Sundays at 10:45am
3601 50TH STREET